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Twenty-Third Little Lamb

"Rachel is one of the sweetest gals I've ever met. There was something that drew me to her from the start and I knew I wanted her as my doula. She was so sweet and supportive during my pregnancy and quickly became a friend along the way. During my crazy 4 hour labor, she was there for amazing phone support and then physical support at the birth center. Pretty sure I nearly ripped her hand off! If I was having another baby, I'd be a repeat client for sure...maybe I'd get to the birth center sooner too, lol! Oh, and she can heat up a mean cup of instant oatmeal too! haha #nevergonnaliveitdown But seriously, Rachel is amazing and I am so fortunate to have had her as a part of my birth team!"

-Baby W's Mother

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Little Lamb Birth Services - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - (405)473-4278

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